Latest Hair Trend

Tuesday, March 24, 2015 | |

Alright, how many of you out there have ever wondered ...."How did she grew her hair so fast??" For those who have noticed, at the recent 2015 Grammys, Beyonce was back with her long flowy locks. Honey, let's get real. We've all prolly attempted every frigging hair tips to grow our hair faster; regular trims and combing, inversion, etc but you and I know it takes forever to have mermaid worthy hair length once we snip it. #FACT - Getting regular trims to snip splits won't make your hair grow faster, it will keep tips looking healthy and prevent splits from working their way up strands, requiring you to chop hair off more often. If you wait so long that splits are causing your hair to break off high up on the strand, your hair will actually be shorter than if you get consistent trims

It's no longer a secret that celebs and models achieve long sexy hair with the help of extensions. Fashion show will never look the same without extensions. Who has the time to wait anyway? Bustline length would take at least ..a year? Jennifer Lopez, Selena Gomez, and the Kardashians are some of the celebs that swears by their extensions. They certainly did not #wokeuplikethis Kylie Jenner looks surprisingly FAB in this picture, that pouty lips and sleek jet black hair.

I was literally drooling over JLo's MV-On the Floor when she was killin the dance floor with her sexy hair.Maybe it's the help of the fan blow idk ^+^

Besides celebs, extensions are no strangers to women all over the world...or well, maybe not so in Malaysia, YET. Even Japanese, Taiwanese, or Thai chicks are already using extensions wayyyy back. As you walk around the busy streets in Bangkok you'll notice many shops offering extensions. In Singapore, you'll be able to find some in Far East Plaza. KL is slowly catching up with this trend, but not many would be willing to splurge for extensions in salon as it will usually cost thousands of ringgit for a good one. Don't settle for those cheap and dry looking hair. You sure as hell don't want to mess with your hair, they don't call it crowning glory for nothing. 

Have I mention wigs? Please, burn it! Unless you wanna be mistaken as one of those transvestite lurking around the dark streets offering sexual services or those Ah Lians/Ah Huey working at those 'flower joints' pub. 
(Disclaimer : I have nothing against transvestite, it is only to describe certain looks to avoid. It is a matter of choice for individual gender orientation & I love my gay friends) GOOD NEWS for girls out there who wants to invest on your own set of extensions without spending a bomb at the salon. Best of all, you can actually wear & remove it anytime you want, from the comfort of your room. The extensions done at salon would require professional help from the stylist, and the same goes to removal process as well. Gyaru Hair Extensions(click) offer easy solution, but at the same time achieving salon worthy results. Contact Gyaru Hair Extensions (click) NOW to start your beauty transformation!


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